Brunswick Backyard Blitz
The first meeting with our clients was in a garden overrun with knee-high grassy weeds and a 60 year old out of control wisteria that had engulfed half the backyard.
The brief was two-fold:
To design a rear garden with fruit and ornamental trees, and pretty, drought tolerant underplantings to create a refuge, eventually obscuring boundary fences and providing privacy from the raised entry of the adjacent unit to the south
To garner summer shade to the existing terrace, and to improve the outlook from the house’s interior onto the south sideway.

Early days

Design and plant choices
Wild Urban Green designed deep, sweeping garden beds around the perimeter of the backyard, offering ample space for layered plantings to provide seclusion and interest.
We curated a diverse plant list, creating a broad range of colour, texture and form, including trees, shrubs, low bushes, flowers and groundcovers designed to complement each other and the space. Brachychiton 'Jerilderie Red', supported by native underplantings, was chosen to screen the unit to the south.
Patio rehab
We softened the existing rectangle patio by the inclusion of a curved corten steel herb bed, designed for easy access from the kitchen and filled with humus-rich soil ready for planting culinary treats. And we added a step to the patio, to invite people up onto the grass terrace.
Wild Urban Green’s hard landscaping wizard, Chris, built a pergola from rough-sawn timbers, beside which we planted an ornamental grape to provide summer protection to the clients' kitchen window and the terrace.
The picture window looking onto the south sideway now looks onto an enchanting scene of Japanese Maple 'Butterfly' with Heuchera 'Peach Flambe' and Lily Turf Liriope muscari.
Turf will be planted on the well prepared lawn terrace in Spring.
We’ll return in six months to see how the plantings have filled in and the shrubs have begun their job of screening the fences.
Timeline photos above and below showcase Wild Urban Green’s superpowers…

Project handover

The following year